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A writer records the last days of a divided country before the 2018 election.


Why watch this film?

, ‘Outubro’ é um documentário que mostra a realidade brasileira.In 2018, the election year that elected Jair Bolsonaro, Maria Ribeiro ('Domingos') and Loiro Cunha (director of photography of 'Cine Marrocos') took to the streets to document the Brazilian population during one of the greatest political polarizations ever seen in Brazil. 'October' is an important film in the sense of giving voice to those who felt struck by the result of the vote. And, it ends up being a historical record that translates all the feeling of a completely divided population. This production remains very current, as the country continues to suffer from major political problems. Narrated by Maria Ribeiro, 'October' is a documentary that shows the Brazilian reality.



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Plot summary

With a week to go before the 2018 presidential election, actress and writer Maria Ribeiro decides to record and investigate the last days of a divided country. In conversations with close friends and interviews including vice-presidential candidate Manuela Davila and psychoanalyst Maria Rita Kehl, 'Outubro' parallels the country's crisis and the end of a marriage.

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