Father Soldier SonFather Soldier Son
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Father Soldier SonMovie on Netflix

A soldier's critical injury in Afghanistan sets him and his sons on a journey of love, loss, and redemption.


Why watch this film?

An intimate New York Times documentary that follows one family for 10 years, showing the familial relationship of a father who was a soldier. In the film, Brian Eisch is seen as a superhero by his children, but he missed out on much of their childhood while serving in Afghanistan. Now, the family faces a new reality, dealing with the consequences of war and how it can change a man. A different angle taken by directors Catrin Einhorn and Leslye Davis is toxic masculinity, a topic rarely addressed in productions about military personnel, which are usually glorified.



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Plot summary

When Sgt. First Class Brian Eisch is critically wounded in Afghanistan, it sets him and his sons on a journey of love, loss, redemption and legacy.

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