

A loyal Chinese dog waits for his owner, showing the power of unconditional love.

Why watch this film?

The story of the dog Hachikō and his companion, Professor Hidesaburō Ueno, is a tale known –and cherished– worldwide as a global symbol of loyalty and friendship. Therefore, it has inspired several film adaptations, including Japan’s own Hachikō Monogatari in the 80s, and the Hollywood version Hachi: A Dog's Tale starring Richard Gere. Hachiko is a new version that relocates the story to a small town in contemporary China. The plot is essentially the same, with a greater emphasis on comedic elements than on drama. If you are familiar with the story, there will be no surprises. But if you enjoy touching movies (especially those featuring dogs), you will undoubtedly enjoy Hachiko.



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Plot summary

This is the story of a puppy that touched hundreds of millions of people around the world. Hachiko (/Batong) is a cute Chinese pastoral dog. He met his destined owner Chen Jingxiu in the vast crowd and became a member of the Chen family. With the passage of time, the once beautiful home is no longer there, but Batong is still waiting where it is, and its fate is closely tied to its family. This film is adapted from the original script “Hachiko” by Kaneto Shindo.


Original title




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Production Year



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