Great movies about cinema within cinema

    Like many other art forms that came before it, cinema reached a point in its evolution where it started reflecting on itself. Whether through references to other movies or its own history and transformations, movies about cinema within cinema have existed for decades – and many of them have become true classics. Here, we’ve selected a few must-watch titles, all available for you to enjoy at home on streaming platforms.

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    The Artist

    The Artist

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    A true tribute to silent cinema, a time of great artists and great works that are now forgotten. If you consider yourself a cinephile or just admire the innocence of those times, this is one of those must-see films.

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    Singin' In the Rain

    Singin' In the Rain

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    This is one of the biggest classic movies in the world, which perfectly defines a musical - cheerful, uplifting films in which everything ends well. There is also humor and energy, as well as great performances from Gene Kelly and Debbie Reynolds. Recommended for those who enjoy musicals or those who want to lift their spirits with a fun movie filled with the excesses of Hollywood's golden age.

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    Sunset Boulevard

    Sunset Boulevard

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    Just saying that 'Sunset Boulevard' is considered by many to be the best movie about Hollywood ever made. The original title, 'Sunset Boulevard', is a reference to the avenue parallel to Hollywood Boulevard - where, in the Golden Age of cinema, there were great studios and stars lived in their huge mansions. In Billy Wilder's (director of 'Some Like it Hot') masterpiece, we have a very unusual meta-fictional story for its time, which earned him the Oscar for best screenplay (music and art direction were also awarded). It's an essential classic for those who are fans of Hollywood cinema or the seventh art in general.

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    Ed Wood

    Ed Wood

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    If there's one movie that's a true ode to grassroots cinema, made on a shoestring budget, it's 'Ed Wood'. Here, Tim Burton delves into the real-life story of the filmmaker who gives his name to the feature - considered by many to be the worst director of all time, with films like 'Plan 9 from Outer Space' and 'Glen or Glenda?' on his resume. It's a delicate and funny, often emotional film, which pays attention to detail in telling Ed Wood's difficult journey to make his movies happen. Although Johnny Depp (‘Pirates of the Caribbean’) is good as the protagonist, it's Martin Landau (‘Crimes and Misdemeanors’) who steals the show as an aging Bela Lugosi. A must-see for movie fans.

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    Hail, Caesar!

    Hail, Caesar!

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    The 1950’s, the Golden Age of Hollywood. For movie fans, it’s impossible not to fall in love with the excess and luxury of that time. That’s why the Coen Brothers decided to return there, bringing us along with a great cast, a comedy that is a true love letter to the best of past cinema. If you’re a nostalgic for that era (even if you didn’t live it), watch it!

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