Minnal MuraliMinnal Murali
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Minnal MuraliMovie on Netflix

A tailor gains supernatural powers after being struck by lightning, but faces unexpected enemies.


Why watch this film?

Thanks to streaming, Indian cinema was able to reach beyond its local audience and, finally, Bollywood gained a foothold in other countries - including, of course, Brazil. And to not stay in the same old stories, services like Netflix strive to innovate as much as possible. This is the case with 'Minnal Murali', an Indian movie with a superhero theme. Here, a tailor gains special powers after being struck by lightning. And of course, from there, many things happen: an unexpected enemy appears, challenges pile up along the way. Obviously, it doesn't have the scope of productions like Marvel Studios or DC, but it has its charm in bringing superheroes to a reality where they are almost never seen. More than popularizing Bollywood, 'Minnal Murali' expands the idea that heroes don't always have to come from the United States. They can be hidden in India.



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Plot summary

The film revolves around the main character of Murali, played by Tovino Thomas, who is hit by a lightning and gets supernatural powers.The following events and situations form the basis of the film.

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