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A bullied boy discovers a caged tiger and embarks on an adventure to save it.
Why watch this film?
With Queen Latifah and Dennis Quaid. A boy who lost his mother finds a tiger caged near his home. With the help of a friend and a mysterious maid, they will do anything to save the animal in an adventure full of imagination. Based on the NY Times bestselling book.
"Based on Kate DiCamillo's book, 'The Tiger Rising' stars Dennis Quaid ('Far from Heaven') and Queen Latifah ('Pitch Perfect') in a drama with adventure elements, made to watch as a family. The story centers around a 12-year-old boy (Christian Convery), who suffers from bullying and is introduced to a tiger locked in a cage. From there, the movie creates a metaphor about maturity, freedom, and nature preservation - all with a touch of magic. It may sound innocent and cheesy at times, but sometimes we want exactly that, don't we?"