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A human and puppet detective team up to solve murders of former puppet show cast.
Why watch this film?
'The Happytime Murders' is set in the underbelly of Los Angeles where puppets and humans coexist. Two clashing detectives, one human and one puppet, are forced to work together to try and solve who is brutally murdering the former cast of “The Happytime Gang,” a beloved classic puppet show.
"This is probably one of the most surprising movies you'll see with The Jim Henson Company's signature, the company responsible for creating Sesame Street and The Muppets. Gone are the sweet family stories and in comes a universe for adults, with a violent story, sexual jokes and a mystery in the air. It's directed by Brian Henson ('The Muppet Christmas Carol'), son of Jim himself. Unfortunately, the movie missed the mark trying to be transgressive, with the audience not understanding the general concept. Indicated for those who like unhinged comedies and full of action, or fans of actresses Melissa McCarthy and Elizabeth Banks. Oh, you're a Muppet fan? Well, even though the movie doesn't feature any of the iconic characters (all of them already sold to other media groups), there's a chance it'll distort your childhood memories a little bit..."