A road trip through America in Elvis Presley's Rolls Royce explores the country's loss of democracy and authenticity.
Why watch this film?
Forty years after the death of Elvis Presley, a musical road trip across America in his 1963 Rolls Royce explores how a country boy lost his authenticity and became a king while his country lost her democracy and became an empire.
"Selected at the Cannes Film Festival, 'The King' is much more than a documentary about the rise and fall of the greatest rock star in US history. The documentary uses Elvis Presley as a powerful metaphor for another rise and fall: that of the American Dream. True to the tradition of street films, it portrays the American cultural and social landscape, trapped in a cynical lethargy forty years after Elvis's death. Directed by Eugene Jarecki (awarded for 'The House I Live In'), the feature film is presented by Alec Baldwin, well known for several roles in cinema and for his appearances in 'Saturday Night Live'."