Where to watch
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Captain Sabertooth and his crew search for a lost magic diamond.
Why watch this film?
Two young pirates on the search for a lost brother, a vampire with heavy sunburns, a shape shifting queen and a raging ape army. Captain Sabertooth will face plenty of challenges when he sets out to find a lost magic diamond.
"Pirates always make for fun stories in comics, books, movies, and of course, animations. 'Kaptein Sabeltann og den magiske diamant' is yet another of this lineage, part of a long-running Norwegian franchise. Don't worry: this feature film doesn't require any prior knowledge of the previous productions, and it provides plenty of fun for both kids and adults alike. The story is a delightful treasure hunt, playing with all the formulas of pirate movies - as well as featuring a young character that little ones will surely identify with."