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Santa teams up with the military to save his toy factory while dodging a hitman.
Why watch this film?
With Mel Gibson. With the lack of good children in the world, Santa is on the verge of bankruptcy and puts his toy factory at the service of the Military. Meanwhile, tries to escape a hitman hired by a spoiled boy who has not received a gift.
"This is a movie that could easily have been made in the 1980s -- and that's not a criticism. 'Fatman' has great actors and a story that gets right to the point. Those who grew up watching movies and shows that don't take themselves too seriously, and make that clear, will find this movie a delight. With a funny and interesting script, the narrative shows the harsh reality in which Santa Claus, played by Mel Gibson, is on the brink of bankruptcy and uses military service to try to save the venture. You can't help but be interested in such a premise. It's basically the insertion of capitalism into a playful world."