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A jazz musician accused of murder takes on a new identity and a strange journey.
Why watch this film?
Fred Madison, a saxophonist, is accused under mysterious circumstances of murdering his wife Renee. On death row, he inexplicably morphs into a young man named Pete Dayton, leading a completely different life. When Pete is released, his and Fred's paths begin to cross in a surreal, suspenseful web of intrigue, orchestrated by a shady gangster boss named Dick Laurent.
"After having developed -with varying success- more traditional narratives in structure with 'Wild at Heart' and 'Blue Velvet', director David Lynch returns to plunge into his surrealist and film noir influences to tell a story that, more similar to 'Eraserhead', escapes the explanations of logic and adopts a texture more similar to that of a nightmare. 'Lost Highway' is a mystery that does not skimp on violence, disturbing images and disconcerting twists, but it does with the explanations. And that's okay: here what matters is the journey, not the destination. As a datum, this is Lynch's first film set in Los Angeles, followed by the narratively similar 'Mulholland Drive' in 2001, and 'Inland Empire' in 2006. Together, they are unofficially known as his 'Los Angeles Trilogy'."