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A government 'fixer' discovers a strange plot involving his FBI boss, putting his loved ones at risk.
Why watch this film?
With Liam Neson. Travis Block is a government "fixer" who lives and fights in the shadows. When he discovers a strange plot involving his FBI boss, he puts the lives of his loved ones at risk, whom he will now have to defend.
"Liam Neeson is one of the most popular action stars in the world and he continues to blaze this trail, despite statements of retirement from the genre. Blacklight is one of those movies, in which Neeson plays an FBI agent who gets caught up in a conspiracy. With plenty of adrenaline-filled sequences and a suspenseful plot, it's a complete production and one that will likely please those who have followed the star's career. Though it may not be the most surprising narrative, it's a feature that manages to keep the viewer hooked and entertained."