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Calm Björn Borg competes against fiery John McEnroe in a high-stakes 1980 tennis rivalry.
Why watch this film?
Starring Shia LaBeouf. The true story of the 1980 tennis rivalry between calm Björn Borg and fiery John McEnroe. Everything is at stake as Borg battles to become the first player to win five Wimbledon titles.
"Borg Vs McEnroe - Starring Shia LaBeouf (Transformers) and Sverrir Gudnason, this biographical drama captures the historic rivalry between Björn Borg and John McEnroe on the Wimbledon courts in 1980. Borg's fight for his fifth consecutive title brings tension and emotion in a narrative that transcends sports. An official selection at Toronto, Vancouver, and San Sebastián, this film is a must-watch for fans of great tennis stories."