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A multi-generational saga of love, loss, and hope in New England.
Why watch this film?
An odyssey through time and memory, centered around a place in New England where—from wilderness, and then, later, from a home—love, loss, struggle, hope and legacy play out between couples and families over generations.
"Based on the graphic novel of the same name by Richard McGuire and directed by Robert Zemeckis (Back to the Future), Here is a film with a curious premise on paper: to non-linearly tell the events of the same place in the world across different eras, from the birth of the world to the entire life of a couple (played by Tom Hanks and Robin Wright, both Zemeckis collaborators in Forrest Gump). For this purpose – and in line with the graphic novel – Zemeckis never moves the camera, making the film reliant on its internal editing to tell its stories. Instead of offering an interesting reflection on time and the brevity of human life, the director falls into superficial effectism and excessive sentimentality, also resorting to digital rejuvenation technology that attempts to appeal to nostalgia for the young Hanks and Wright, but only serves to distract. It’s not as disruptive as other works by Zemeckis or the graphic novel it’s based on, but if you’re looking for a curious experiment or enjoy the work of its leads, you may like it."