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In the world of competitive surgery, a talented surgeon's career and relationships unravel amidst a controversial public performance report scheme.
Why watch this film?
A gripping cinematic adaptation of the best-selling novel, “A Mistake” delves into the perilous aftermath of surgeon Elizabeth Taylor's (Elizabeth Banks) split-second medical decision, unfolding a thrilling exploration of the fatal ripple effects triggered by a single human error.
"Based on the eponymous novel by Carl Shuker, A Mistake is a medical drama about a veteran surgeon (Elizabeth Banks), whose life and career are shaken when a patient under her care dies during surgery, drawing scrutiny from her colleagues and a board of directors that seems unsupportive. Even though it's a very conventional drama, it’s well-developed in terms of the script and features a strong performance by Banks. If you enjoy medical dramas, you’ll definitely like it."