Where to watch
Two hit men wait in a bar on Brazil-Paraguai border for their victim in a tense and intriguing story.
Why watch this film?
Two hit men, a veteran and a beginner, chatter in a bar on Brazil-Paraguai border, while waiting for their victim to appear.
""The Killers" brings an intriguing, tense and very well-constructed story - flirting directly with film noir. Another great movie that makes up the résumé of director Beto Brant and, by the way, was his first feature film and at a time when Brazilian productions were being resumed after the impeachment of Fernando Collor. It was a great debut for Brant, with a strong cast, including Murilo Benício, Chico Diaz and Maria Padilha. A very good work that was part of the selection of the Toronto Festival."