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A rescue mission turns into a race against time to stop a physicist's deadly plan.
Why watch this film?
Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of Enterprise-D rescue an El Aurian physicist named Soran. Unbeknownst to Picard, Soran harbors a deadly plan that includes the destruction of the Enterprise and millions of lives. Now Picard's only hope for a future rests within the Nexus... and a legendary captain from the past.
"The movie serves as a bridge between the crew of the classic 'Star Trek' series and the Next Generation series that lasted seven seasons between the 1980s and 90s. Unfortunately, 'Generations' fails to deliver a plot that engages the audience, seeming like just another TV episode with a bigger budget and more screen time. A sad ending for a great idea, even though the movie features beloved captains James T. Kirk and Jean-Luc Picard sharing several scenes."