A father searches for his missing daughter through her laptop and uncovers secrets.
Why watch this film?
After his 16-year-old daughter goes missing, a desperate father breaks into her laptop to look for clues to find her.
A father searches for his missing daughter through her laptop and uncovers secrets.
"In his very first feature film, director and screenwriter Aneesh Chaganty surprises us. It all starts when a 16 year-old girl disappears and her father, David (played by John Cho from the new Star Trek), decides to hack into his daughter's computer to look for clues - and he discovers that she has many secrets. With great performances and a well-crafted script, the movie brings a mystery that captivates us, as well as knowing how to use elements of the current world to guide our view, such as text messages and video calls. It is certainly an exciting and quite original story that takes advantage of the modern world like few others."