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A music director falls in love with a singer and tries to flee communist Poland for France.
Why watch this film?
In the 1950s, a music director falls in love with a singer and tries to persuade her to flee communist Poland for France.
"With music and culture as a backdrop, 'Cold War' brings together and sets apart Zula and Wiktor as they move across the European continent as Soviet control of their homeland intensifies. In just under one and a half hours, Pawel Pawlikowski (of 'Ida') emotionally impacts us with a love story full of political subtext and criticism of cultural indoctrination. No wonder the film was nominated for an Oscar in three categories, including directing, foreign film and cinematography—the latter signed by Lukasz Zal, also from 'Ida', who does a beautiful job and references 1940s and 1950s productions."