A woman wakes up in a survivalist's bunker after a catastrophic car crash and questions his motives.
Why watch this film?
Outside is dangerous…inside is terrifying in the heart-pounding new thriller from producer J.J. Abrams. After a catastrophic car crash, a young woman wakes up in a survivalist’s underground bunker. He claims to have saved her from an apocalyptic attack that has left the outside world uninhabitable. But, as his increasingly suspicious actions lead her to question his motives, she'll have to escape in order to discover the truth.
"Movie that arrived unexpectedly to theaters, continuing the controversial 'Cloverfield: Monster', from 2008. However, producer J.J. Abrams is smart by not making a direct sequel of the facts. Here, in '10 Cloverfield Lane', he opens the range of possibilities of the franchise and shows another reality. In this case, that of a woman (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) who wakes up in the bunker of a man (John Goodman, impeccable) and has to believe that the world outside is close to the end. The claustrophobic atmosphere of the plot, mixed with Dan Trachtenberg's paranoid direction, elevate the production to another level, mixing the science fiction of 'Cloverfield: Monster' with a well-executed thriller. It's hard not to get involved with the characters and the situation, well thought out from the beginning and that puts a question in the spectator's head: is what I'm watching real? Is it paranoia? What is the limit of truth?"