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A war hero with PTSD takes a job as a mall security guard and must protect a girl from a gang of ruthless bikers.
Why watch this film?
Antonio Banderas is Eddie Deacon, a war hero suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder who takes a low-key job as a nighttime security guard at a shopping mall to get back on his feet. Things are uneventful until a gang of brutal ruthless bikers and their psychotic leader (Ben Kingsley) chase an innocent girl into the mall in an attempt to kill her and keep her from testifying against them. Now Eddie and his team of unarmed guards are her only hope for survival in this tense, pulse-pounding thriller.
"Are you a fan of pure action movies, like the Die Hard series? Then this is your movie, with Antonio Banderas and Ben Kingsley facing off with gunshots, explosions, and punches in a low budget feature compared to its cast. The script is far from brilliant, but it's not the type of movie that asks for that. Popcorn entertainment."