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A heroic pilot must make a life-changing decision to save his passengers and crew.
Why watch this film?
The story of Chesley Sullenberger, an American pilot who became a hero after landing his damaged plane on the Hudson River in order to save the flight's passengers and crew.
"One of the most unbelievable real stories in history involving a plane is directed by Clint Eastwood (of 'Gran Torino', 'Million Dollar Baby') and stars Tom Hanks (‘Saving Private Ryan’). The movie tells the story of Captain Sully, a pilot who has to “make do” when his plane has problems near New York. From there, he decides to land on the Hudson River. He goes down in history, but at the same time also goes into judicial records, when US judicial forces want -- and need -- to find someone to blame for the near-disaster. Even if it's Sully himself. Brief and to the point, the movie surprises with the impact of the plot and the strength of some moments, which take a more realistic and interesting path than 'Flight', for example. Kudos to Eastwood and Hanks, who know how to keep the movie grounded."