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A group of outlaws search for treasure and encounter supernatural powers under the full moon.
Why watch this film?
A group of outlaws search for a mountain treasure and experience the supernatural powers of a full moon.
"Have you ever imagined bringing together actress Daryl Hannah (the protagonist of 'Splash: A Mermaid in My Life') and musician and director Neil Young as, respectively, director and star in a movie with non-actors that mixes past, present, future and surrealism? And with a plot about an outlaw group that experiences the superpowers of the Full Moon? Well, it happened. Few will understand it, even fewer will like it, but this is a lysergic and metaphysical journey that only Neil Young and Daryl Hannah together could give us. Recommended for those who like experimentation, Young's music (which includes great jams and the memorable 'Peace Trail'), that "homemade" aesthetic, and want something to embark on to take their feet off the ground. If that's not your profile, don't watch it."