A bank executive driving his children receives a bomb threat, unable to stop the car.
Why watch this film?
In this ticking-clock thriller of redemption and revenge, Matt Turner begins a high-speed chase across Berlin to complete a specific series of tasks after a mysterious caller puts a bomb under his car seat. With Matt’s kids trapped in the back seat and a bomb that will explode if they get out of the car, a normal commute becomes a twisted game of life or death as Matt follows the stranger’s increasingly dangerous instructions in a race against time to save his family.
"Remake of the Spanish film El Desconocido, from 2015, Retribution marks a new era in the career of Irish actor Liam Neeson: he leaves behind the frenzied action of films like Taken and gradually begins to embrace more suspenseful and thrilling movies. That is the case with Retribution: here, he plays a man who is driving his daughters to school and discovers that he has a bomb under the car seat and, with no way out, he can't stop the car. Recalling a smaller and less impactful version of Speed, the film has an intense pace in its plot and, despite some wrong and generic decisions in the script, it manages to keep the audience captivated until the end of the story, mainly thanks to Neeson and his somber performance.