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A disgraced President faces off against a formidable TV personality in a charged battle of wits.
Why watch this film?
When disgraced President Richard Nixon agreed to an interview with jet-setting television personality, David Frost, he thought he'd found the key to saving his tarnished legacy. But, with a name to make and a reputation to overcome, Frost became one of Nixon's most formidable adversaries and engaged the leader in a charged battle of wits that changed the face of politics forever.
"The impeachment process (and resignation) of President Richard Nixon was one of the most traumatic political events in modern United States history. This cleverly-directed movie by Ron Howard (Oscar winner for A Beautiful Mind) portrays the behind-the-scenes of what happened after Nixon's departure, when the politician granted a controversial interview to talk show host David Frost. It's a great story about power and journalism, turned into first-rate entertainment. Special mention goes to the always outstanding Frank Langella as Nixon."