Nobody Has to KnowNobody Has to Know
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Nobody Has to Know

A man with amnesia is told he had a secret romance before his stroke


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Michelle Fairley (Game of Thrones) e Bouli Lanners (Adeus, Idiotas) trabalharam juntos no roteiro, dirigiram e também são as estrelas deste romance dramático que conquistou a crítica especializada. Os dois receberam os prêmios de Melhor Atriz e Ator, respectivamente, no Festival de Cinema de Chicago. 'L'ombre d'un mensonge' conta uma história de isolamento e conexões incertas construídas diante da solidão. Um homem de meia-idade sofre um ataque cardíaco e perde a memória. A mulher que cuidará dele resolve mentir e dizer que antes do acidente eles eram amantes secretos, mentira que possivelmente será perdoada. Michelle Fairley (Game of Thrones) and Bouli Lanners (Adeus, Idiotas) worked together on the script, directed, and also star in this dramatic romance that won over the specialized critics. The two received awards for Best Actress and Actor, respectively, at the Chicago Film Festival. 'L'ombre d'un mensonge' tells a story of isolation and uncertain connections built in the face of loneliness. A middle-aged man suffers a heart attack and loses his memory. The woman who takes care of him decides to lie and say that before the accident they were secret lovers, a lie that may possibly be forgiven.



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Plot summary

On a remote island in Scotland, a middle-aged man suffers a stroke and loses his memory. His boss's daughter knocks on his door and soon reveals that they were having a secret romance.

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