

Six digital influencers struggle to survive after being trapped on an island by a tropical storm.

Why watch this film?

Digital influencers of all types and audiences have jumped from computer and smartphone screens to the big screen, with names like Viih Tube, Luccas Neto and Kéfera standing out. In 'Ilhados', Brazilian internet personalities play other influencers. This time, however, in a daring and creative plot about a group of young people, all famous on the internet, who get stuck on an island. In this mix of thriller, romance and adventure, we find a story that should please fans of names like Ingrid Ohara, Gregory Kessey and Luiza Parente.



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Plot summary

Six digital influencers travel to a paradise island to disconnect, but end up trapped after a tropical storm. Between the isolation, the problems with crushs, the cancellations and the lack of food, their friendship is put to the test.

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