45 do Segundo Tempo45 do Segundo Tempo

45 do Segundo Tempo

Three old friends reunite to recreate a photo and face their existential crises.

Why watch this film?

Three school friends reunite to recreate a photo from the opening of the metro in São Paulo. One is the owner of an Italian cantina (Tony Ramos), another is a priest (Ary França) and the last one is a successful lawyer (Cássio Gabus Mendes). Despite the apparent harmony in their lives, they face complicated obstacles along the way, with loneliness as the main element that unites them. From there, the always accurate director Luiz Villaça ('De Onde Eu Te Vejo') brings elements of comedy to unite football, passion for Palmeiras and a revisionist plot about existence, with airs of 'Before Departing', it hits the screens showing the importance of having someone by your side during the not always easy journey of life.



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Plot summary

Com Tony Ramos. Para recriar uma foto de 1974, Pedro reencontra dois amigos de colégio que não via há 40 anos. Entre crises existenciais do trio, ele anuncia que pretende tirar sua própria vida - mas só depois de ver seu time campeão.

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Where to watch?

Available at home