Pronto, FaleiPronto, Falei

Pronto, Falei

A shy man's unspoken thoughts are revealed when his draft emails are accidentally sent.

Why watch this film?

Renato is a shy and insecure young man who only expresses what he really thinks through emails. He writes to his coworkers, to his girlfriend, to his parents, he doesn't hide anything, he says everything he thinks. Absolutely everything. And when it comes time to send the emails... he doesn't do it. Everything stays in the drafts folder. One day, without any explanation, all his drafts are sent, and suddenly he has to face the terrible consequences of being who he really is. A Brazilian comedy that seeks to reflect on the personalities that a person can have due to the online coexistence. Directed by Michel Tikhomiroff, one of Brazil's television favorites.



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Plot summary

A deeply shy young man only communicates with his relatives, friends and a girlfriend through letters and e-mails, showing his emotions. Usually he doesn't send those e-mails, he just save a draft to himself but one day he realizes that somehow those messages were sent and he'll have to face everyone about what he said in those mails.

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